
Argentine photographer and visual researcher Alejandro Kirchuk was born in 1987 in Buenos Aires and works as a freelancer on a range of commissions and personal projects.

His work is mainly focused on personal documentary long-term projects in Argentina and South America. With his work «Never let you go» about Alzheimer’s disease he received a 1st prize in ‘Daily life stories’ category in the World Press Photo contest. His work has been also recognized by different organizations such as POYi and Fulbright. He was a fellow of the National Funds for Arts in Argentina (FNA). He received a Fulbright Grant and completed an education in transmedia, video and virtual reality at NYFA.

He was selected as a participant of the Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo in Amsterdam. His photographs are regularly published in different media such as The New York Times and The Guardian, among others.

_premios y becas

2017 World Press Photo, Participante de Joop Swart Masterclass
2017 Beca Fulbright & Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Seleccionado
2016 MUFF Festival, Seleccionado para el Programa «Caminos Conjuntos»
2015 World Press Photo, Participante del Masterclass Latin America
2013 POYi Latinoamérica, 3er Premio en categoría ‘Vida Cotidiana – Historias’
2012 World Press Photo, 1er Premio en categoría ‘Vida Cotidiana – Historias’
2012 Magnum Expression Award, Finalista
2012 National Press Photographers Association (NPPA), 2do premio en categoría «Enterprise stories – small market»
2012 Lumix FotoFestival Hannover, Seleccionado
2012 FotoVisura Grant, Mención Honorable
2011 POYi LatinoAmerica, 1er Premio en categoría ‘Deportes – Individual’
2011 Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Beca Nacional para creación
2011 Look3 Festival of the Photograph, Beca para atender al workshop con Alex Webb y Rebecca Norris Webb
2011 Ian Parry Scholarship, Finalista ‘Highly Commended’?
2011 Save the Children Award, ganador
2011 Terry O’Neill Award, Finalista
2011 PhotoEspaña Trasatlántica, seleccionado para el visionado de portfolios en Santo Domingo


2017 ‘El Río Invisible – MUFF Festival’, CdF, Montevideo, Uruguay
2016 ‘Familia, modelo para desarmar’, Arte x Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2013 ‘Russia G20 Summit Exhibition’, Marble Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2012 ‘La noche que me quieras’, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2012 ‘Pequeño Reino’, en ‘Esquizofrenia tropical’, Photoespaña, Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, España
2012 ‘Lumix Foto Festival’, Hannover, Alemania
2011 ‘Ian Parry Scholarship Exhibition’, Getty Images Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra
2011 ‘Terry O’Neill Award Exhibition’, Hot Shoe Gallery, Londres, Inglaterra?
2011 ‘POYi Contest Exhibition’, Charlottesville, EE.UU?
2010 ‘Bienal Argentina de Fotografía Documental’, Proyección Multimedia
2009 ‘Vidas Sitiadas’, muestra colectiva de fotografía documental. Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina


The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, Stern, Internazionale, ESPN Magazine, Sports Illustrated China, Clarín, Pagina/12, La Tercera, Wintershall, HRS, Bulletin, Modern Farmer, Folha do Sao Paulo, RIA Novosti, The Australian.